Enhancing Individual & Team Relationship Effectiveness
Professional relationships underpin successful engagement at work & a culture in which we can thrive. These highly complex & dynamic relationships are constantly evolving as we adapt and respond to the demands of our internal & external stakeholders, alongside the realities of an emerging hybrid working environment.
This insightful, interactive workshop provides a wonderful opportunity to develop a heightened awareness of yourself and those around you so that you can leverage key strengths from an individual & team perspective; in turn enabling a more skilful, positive approach to the influence & impact you have with your colleagues, external partners and stakeholders.
The workshop
Facilitated by Core Strengths SDI 2.0, this highly engaging day explores the motives behind our behaviours in an accessible, collaborative way. By encouraging a meaningful, transparent dialogue, a common language and understanding is created which can in turn, help enhance the culture and performance of the wider team, readily connecting with multiple approaches, including:
- Leadership & management effectiveness
- Communication effectiveness
- Motivation & engagement
- Recognising & leveraging diversity
- Team collaboration & effectiveness
- Effective relationship management
- Recognising & managing conflict
- Developing/supporting wellbeing & resilience

On the day
The day will be anchored back to a key ‘theme’ (internal &/or external) – one that is valuable exploring as a team/company. Examples may include:
- Enhancing internal approaches and communication
- Developing more proactive relationships with clients/stakeholders
- Managing & supporting our teams more effectively
- Or simply, getting to know each other better to enhance ways of collaboration or working
- Integrating working practices with a new client.
The day concludes by creating the start of a bespoke team action plan in relation to the desired outcomes identified for the day, alongside a personal action plan at individual level to be implemented within the business.
It is recommended that an ‘internal’ follow up is scheduled @ 2weeks later to maintain momentum and ensure actions are implemented in a meaningful way.
Target audience:
Recommended as a collective team experience, including senior leads.
1 x Full Day
(Requires on-line self-assessment to be completed 2 weeks ahead of workshop)
12 delegates